Monday, December 27, 2010

Is it true bananas are a must for breakfast

A banana a day not only keeps the doctor
away... but even the dermatologist and
also the psychologist... and according to
current research can even save lives.(it
seems there's almost no ailment that the
banana can't help cure.) Bananas are
high in the B-complex vitamins, which are
known to have a calming effect on the
nervous system and high fiber content
helps to restore normal bowel function.

It is said that brekfast is a cure for depression. why ?

Research has shown that symptoms of
depression can be alleviated through
nutrient supplementation in is
documented that when people
(especially school going children) who
"rarely" had their breakfast, actually
overcame depression,thereby leading to
improvement in their performance, when
they started eating breakfast more often .

By eating breakfast everyday, will one put on weight ?

No, You Will not put on weight. Those who
eat breakfast regularly keep off weight.
research claims that eating breakfast
every day is a weight control strategy for
78% of people across the world. Also a
long-term breakfast program reported
that eating a low-fat diet and exercising
for an hour or more each day helps in
slimming down.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What is the meaning of a complete healthy breakfast

Whether you eat an English brekfast or an indian one, just make sure your brekfast includes carbohydrates, fiber, fat, iron, vitamins and proteins, which are available in cereals , fruits , honey, jam, milk or milk products, eggs and vegetables.